Black Polished Stone Fountains by Aquascape Discontinued by Manufacturer

Black Polished Stone Fountains by Aquascape | ARCHIVE

Black Polished Stone Fountains by Aquascape
Discontinued by Manufacturer

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SKU: 98545

This item has been discontinued or is no longer in stock.

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Black Polished Twisted Stone Column Fountain - 98545
Weight: 325 lbs.
14" L x 14" W x 40" H
To complete your system:
#98134 AquaBasin Large
#98138 AquaBasin Ultra Pump Kit 750 GPH

Black Stone Bird Bath and Flower Fountain - 98546
Weight: 367 lbs.
23" diameter x 43" H
To complete your system:
#98134 AquaBasin Large
#98138 AquaBasin Ultra Pump Kit 750 GPH

Pouring Water Bowls on Stone Fountain - 98551
Weight: 592 lbs.
32" L x 20" W x 27" H
To complete your system:
#98134 AquaBasin Large
#98138 AquaBasin Ultra Pump Kit 750 GPH

Grooved Black Stone Water Fountain - 98549
Weight: 465 lbs.
20" L x 10" W x 30" H
To complete your system:
#98134 AquaBasin Large
#98138 AquaBasin Ultra Pump Kit 750 GPH

Stone Fountain With Circle and Grooves - 98553
Weight: 230 lbs.
16" L x 8" W x 34" H
To complete your system:
#98134 AquaBasin Large
#98138 AquaBasin Ultra Pump Kit 750 GPH

4-Sided Cascading Stone Pedestal Fountain - 98544
Weight: 525 lbs.
14" L x 14" W x 40" H
To complete your system:
#98134 AquaBasin Large
#98138 AquaBasin Ultra Pump Kit 750 GPH

Cascading Twisted Stone Water Column Fountain -98547
Weight: 228 lbs.
12" L x 12" W x 30" H
To complete your system:
#98134 AquaBasin Large
#98138 AquaBasin Ultra Pump Kit 750 GPH



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